I bought Thinkpad T60. Does anybody know if Diskeeper Pro will able to defrag PrivateDisk Drive? As far as I remember, TrueCrypt could be defrag by MS Defrag tool. But my PrivateDisk Drive/Partition/Container could not be defrag, either by MS Defrag or Diskeeper Lite.
Thank you.
Thinkpad T60 2623-D6U
I believe the secure disk is part of the hard-drive itself, I think it's just an encrypted folder essentially.
I agree. It's just a file in the harddrive so it would be defragged the same way as the others files. Maybe the reason you can't defrag it is because PrivateDisk service/program is running... So YES, Diskkeeper Pro will be able to defrag a PrivateDisk drive because you can schedule boot-time defrag with it.
Thanks for the replies.
What I try to defrag is not the encrypted file/container, but the files inside the encrypted file or container. I creates 35GB PrivateDisk file to save: My Documents, Outlook Express, etc. Let's say I mount it as M:\. The files/folders inside drive M:\ (PrivateDisk Drive) could not be recognized by Diskeeper.
Diskeeper and PrivateDisk
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by dgho, Jul 27, 2006.