I notice that even when I'm not doing anything and have most software shut dow, there is continuing disk activity on my T60. There's an audible disk access every few seconds. Looking at processes in Desktop manager, it appears the activity is in "svchost" Anyone know what this activity is about? Can it be suppressed? How?
svchost.exe is a normal process (you can Google it for details), but it seems it can also be highjacked by spyware. If the latter is the case, I don't know what you should do.
Chris -
If you ever want to find out what svchost is hiding, open a command prompt window and type "tasklist /svc" (without the " marks). That'll tell you what the actual processes hidden by svchost are. From there, use Google to identify them.
Good tip - didn't know that. It generates a LOOONG list of processes
S -
very good tip bro...
but how do we clean it if there's any spyware hidden behind it ?
Disk activity T60
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by Shiffman, Aug 27, 2006.