Two of the most popular notebook mice are the Logitech Nano and Vx Revolution. I have both. The Nano has the fantasticly tiny USB receiver but is a bit small for my hand. The Vx Revolution fits my hand perfectly without being too big but has a honking long USB receiver.
Well, I just discovered it is possible to use the Nano's tiny receiver with the Vx Revolution! This may be old news to many, but was quite a surprise to me.
The way one accomplishes this is to simply plug in the Nano receiver into a USB port and load Logitech's Connect Utility (Start, Logitech, Connect Utility) and follow the on screen instructions. When I did it, it failed to work the first 5 attempts. The sixth attempt was the charm. I think it just sequentially moves through a different frequency each time you go through the procedure until you hit one that works with the particular receiver you are trying to link with.
Anyway, I thought this was pretty cool and might be interesting info for anyone else who happens to have an extra Nano receiver around but likes using a VX Revolution.
thats awesome!!! I had a vx nano, and I sold it because it was too small, I didnt want the revolution because of the big reciever...
the only down side, you have to buy both to make this work....
logitech should make a desktop sized mouse that would have a small reciever for laptops. I dont understand portable notebook mice, you might as well use the touchpad if you want to crippled mouse
So when it's all said and done which is better. I have debated to on whether I should get the Revolution or Nano. I have used a nano and its small.
The VX revolution is perfect! Bigger than the nano and smaller than the MX revolution. The receiver is only about 1" long, you find that too big!?
Oh and why doesn't Logitech make EVERY mouse have the nano receiver? There must be something wrong here... -
The difference between nano, and revolution is simple, the nano is made for people who travel more from place to place, and the revolution is for people who mostly stay with their laptop on one desk, but like to have the ability to take their laptop away once a while -
Well I think the Nano is fine for people who like to use the "claw" grip, which means holding the mouse with your finger tips. But if you like to rest your palm on the mouse, the VX Revolution is far more comfortable. It has more height which helps, but it's still small enough to pack well and be considered a notebook mouse.
I wouldn't buy both just to get the nano receiver, but since I had an extra nano receiver I wasn't using, I was really pleased to be able to use it with the VX Revolution which is the most comfortable mouse for me I've ever used. Best of both worlds. Logitech should make Nano sized receivers for all their higher end mice. Don't know why they don't.
I store the original receiver in the nano bag so I won't lose it, and use the original receive to shut off the mouse and jam the VX Revolution into that bag when I travel. I leave the nano receiver plugged into the USB port all the time. -
I have the MX revolution BT version
. It comes bundled with the MX5500 BT keyboard.
That is exactly what I am trying to do. I have a nano receiver and a VX Revolution. I am unable to sync the two using the most recent Logitech Connect Utility. I am using SetPoint 4.60. If you don't mind my asking, what is the part number on you nano receiver and what version of SetPoint are you using.
Thanks -
You can buy the receiver from Logitech for 10 bucks, but theres two versions. www[dot]buylogitech[dot]com/store/logius/en_US/DisplayCategoryProductListPage/categoryID[dot]11524300
They go for 20bucks on ebay.
Discovered something cool about Logitech mice
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by pae77, Oct 19, 2008.