I recently purchased a Carbon X1, and I've been underwhelmed by the battery life. On a balanced power profile, screen at 60%, and just browsing the internet (even without Flash), I can get only around 3-3.5 hours.
I'm not sure if it's related, but my CPU also seems to run pretty hot. It idles around 45-50C, and almost any task will cause it to jump to 65-75C. The fan is running far more than I would like.
I'm running Windows 10 and have the i7 version. BIOS and drivers are all the latest versions. Any advice/thoughts are appreciated.
Relatedly, I'm within my 30 days to return it. All else equal, I'd prefer not to deal with that hassle, but I will if there's something wrong my system. If I image the drive, is it possible to just copy that image to the new drive on the replaced machine? Or will that cause issues?
don_svetlio In the Pipe, Five by Five.
Does it have any bloatware pre-installed?
don_svetlio In the Pipe, Five by Five.
Try doing a clean install with only important drivers such as Energy Manager, Chipset, Video and other similar drivers.
don_svetlio In the Pipe, Five by Five.
Well - first try removing all the unneeded software. If that doesn't help, try reinstalling the OS with a fresh install.
Also, if you have the keyboard backlight on, that will severely impact battery life. I've found that disabling it on my machine pushes me from about 4 hours to 5.5 hours.
Disappointing Battery Life with Carbon X1 (5th) & Copying Image to Replacement
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by Mimelin, Jun 24, 2017.