I am very strongly considering buying the IdeaPad Y580. However, customer service is a priority and I have read some pretty terrible things about Lenovo's warranty service. Of course, dissatisfied people are much more vocal than satisfied ones. If I buy the laptop, I will buy it with 3 years in-house warranty. Does anyone have any experience with Lenovo's warranty service (positive or negative)? Also, does anyone know if the in-house warranty will work in the Dallas metropolitan area?
I'm hoping to achieve a balance perspective here. If the their customer service is poor, I will simple not buy from Lenovo.
Thank You
i got mine and the service is great! my first one was defective.. would crash while gaming due to a messed up graphics card i believe. I called and told them whats going on.. and how i tried restoring and using different drivers and the same thing happens in every game. After that the guy was like yea im a gamer too and sounds like a defective card.... i'll write a note and transfer you to customer service or sales i think it was.. they got the note right away and yea their sending out a new one. and i got to keep my old one with me until the replacement came in
so i still had a laptop to use.
I have had no problems with customer service in terms of getting repairs. It did take a month but I did get the laptop back, and it hasn't had any problems since then.
I had terrible customer service. They received my laptop on July 2nd, and after tons of mess ups on their ends, I got my replacement on September 10th. Through this process, I called them about every other day, so it was definitely ty service on their end.
Well I ordered my Y580 with the discounted 3 year on-site warranty they currently have going on. If anything is defective, I'll have the laptop throughout the process and be able to personally interact with the tech. Should help things go much smoother.
Details on Lenovo's Customer Service Quality
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by aymanhaq, Oct 19, 2012.