Please help if you can... I see two T420S models at B&H in NYC at very different prices, and I am clueless as to what makes them different.
B&H Photo Video Digital Cameras, Photography, Camcorders
417032U ($999)
417152U ($1,217)
I must be missing something important. Can anyone help, or let me know if there's something obviously problematic about the $999 model?
Thanks so much,
Look at the specs.. Different processors and one has a Solid state drive compared to a normal hard drive, which is why there is a price difference.
Sorry... am I missing something else? Neither of the two models I named has an SSD. They both have a 320GB HDD.
J&R does sell two other T420S models with an SSD, but those aren't the ones I'm looking at.
David -
John Ratsey Moderately inquisitive Super Moderator
From the Lenovo tabook.pdf:
4170-32U i5-2520M 4GBx1 14.0" HD+ 720p 320G 7200 TP 11b/g/n WWAN upg None Blue Pro 64
4171-52U i5-2520M 4GBx1 14.0" HD+ 720p 320G 7200 Intel 6205 WWAN upg None Blue vPro Pro 64
There's not much difference in the hardware. However, is the offered warranty the same for both models?
John -
Oh I was looking at the wrong model. My apologies.
I didn't know about the tabook; that certainly helps. Thank you!
David -
I only see that 4171-52U has a Intel Centrino Advanced-N 6205 as Wireless NIC while 4170-32U doesn't. It provides 802.11a connection. But I am not sure if this kind of difference is worth more than $200.
Thanks, everyone!
Deciphering T420S model differences
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by sde, Dec 4, 2011.