Few questions while Customizing it:
Can its 14" WXGA display 1440x900?
Does the screen has a mic if I choose one with camera?
What's the use for an express card slot? Wireless broadband?
Which warranty should I choose?
WXGA displays 1280x800. WXGA+ is the screen that displays 1440x900; it should become available again sometimes.
The integrated microphone is in the base of the laptop, so camera or not does not impact it.
Don't know about the express card.
Your call.
Can you also tell me which battery will be protruding?
Glenn -
For the 14.1 T61 anything above the 4 cell is protruding.
Get the ExpressCard slot. If you need to read a media card, you can get a cheap PC Card or Express slot card reader. If you choose the media card reader now and then at some point in the future you need to use an ExpressCard, you will be screwed since you do not have an ExpressCard slot.
Other uses for the express card slot are:
Any battery bigger than a 4 cell will stick out
Customizing T61 14"
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by glennchung, Aug 22, 2007.