This discount is for 19% off some Thinkpads with the 10% VISA Cardholder Program and the 10%/5% USPTHINK48HR code which is stackable. Started yesterday!
Edit: Go here to check if the Thinkpad you want has 5% or 10% discount!
The W520/T520/T420s are confirmed to have 10% discount!
AESdecryption Notebook Evangelist
AESdecryption Notebook Evangelist
AESdecryption Notebook Evangelist
Now you pay 90% and the USPTHINK48HR takes off 10% off 90% which is 9%! 10%+9% equals 19%! -
uh, i just tried this, and the USPTHINK48HR code only took ~5% off in addition to the visa discount
AESdecryption Notebook Evangelist
Even if it ends tonight, we still have the 10% Fatwallet discount over $899.
I tried it. Came out with the same price as when I bought my T420 using the Lenovo CPP portal and the last 10% coupon they had that actually worked on the contractor site, so it ends up being a fair deal.
I usually look on for Lenovo coupons. They are organized better there than most sites.
Current Lenovo Thinkpad Discount (Ends TONIGHT 4/22/2011)
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by AESdecryption, Apr 22, 2011.