My computer is an IBM X41 with Win XP Pro.
Last night I started getting a pop-up box during boot-up that stated something like "press Ctrl, Alt, Delete to boot, computer is locked up." Doing this command "unlocks" the computer and then another window pops-up asking for the user name and password. After doing that chore, the computer boots-up normally.
Doing a Google on this problem, it recommends the following site...
The site seems to imply that this problem is caused by a Smart Card. The only card I have in the computer is a Bluetooth PC Card that I've been running for at least 3 months now without this "Ctrl..." message. The website above seems to imply that this message can cause problems down the road.
I called MS and they told me I had to call my computer vendor (IBM) for this type of problem. I call IBM and they told me to call MS as it wasn't their problem.
Does anyone know IF this can lead to problems down-line? Otherwise, I can live with it as its just another keystroke in the boot process.
erm am not sure but is it really a 'problem'? all our office pcs have this thing - as far as I am aware this is a protection against remote access to your computer and your data - i.e. even if somebody gets access to the network and finds out the password etc unless you physically press ctrl-alt-del the pc won't boot up.
ps. anyway, it seems that to get rid of this you simply need to change some settings on the pc, so its definately not a defect
Ctrl, Alt Delete on boot-up
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by lapman, Jun 5, 2007.