I have to complian about this.
The system first was unable to recognize the CD/DVDRW. I took out the drive and put it back. Then it recognized.
The system reported some error during creating the second data DVD. I feel it is Lenovo drive problem. I had this before with my other Thinkpads.
Now I started it again. Got another error.
I wanted to shut it down to have clean start. But shutdown hangs there over 10 minutes.
I have not installed anything yet. Just wanted to create the RR set.
Now it is finally finished.
I got one CD disc and two DVD discs
Can anyone there confirm this is right?
Thanks! -
I think you may find this is an issue with the drive sleeping and not waking up when you run on battery for a time.
I have this on my T410. In fact, right at this second it shows as not being present... In device manager it shows as broken but I know it isn't.
The hardware is good so I think this is a driver issue.
I believe you would find that if you go into the Lenovo Power Manager and turn off the option under Advanced/System Settings/Automatic optical drive power off, that this would vanish in future, but yes, clearly there is a driver bug.
Alternatively, if you want to see if they have fixed this already, it might be worth trying to install the latest Power Manager from here if you do not already have it installed:
Lenovo Support & downloads - Drivers and software - ThinkPad T410, T410i, T410s, T410si, T510, T510i and W510 -
Thanks again for helping me out!
>>Lenovo Support & downloads - Drivers and software - ThinkPad T410, T410i, T410s, T410si, T510, T510i and W510
I did this via ThinkVantage Tools->Update and Drivers.
Good enough?
Best. -
That is the way if you have that installed
I have 64-bit Win 7 professional. -
Confirmed. Total of 3 disks: the first CD is the boot disk, the two DVDs are the data disks.
Kaso, thanks so much for your input.
All the best.
Creating RR discs with my new T510
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by MDDZ, Nov 11, 2010.