Have you ever had Lenovo cancel your order because you used the CPP discount (that was distributed online)? How likely does this happen?
If you're not an actual contractor, then yes, they can cancel your order.
but they most likely won't cancel your order and will be happy to ship it, because they want to do good business and would much rather have happy customers that a bunch of old customers that are now mad because their order was canceled. Besides, as complicated as lenove makes computer shopping with layers of coupons on top of discount codes hidden inside of credit card companies special programs. I mean, Can you really blame someone who is crafty enough to figure out a cpp code and use it. There is no way lenove doesn't want to ship that order. After all, Lenoveo states that old employees, and friends, and family and friends of family are all included. So why not you, i ,mean, Surly everyone somewhere knows someone who knows someone who maybe used to work at ibm sometime. Right...
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by K_Swiss, Mar 24, 2008.