For a $100 upgrade, the 540M and SSD would be much better than a 620M and HDD.
$100 for a SSD upgrade is pretty cheap and considering the CPU upgrade gives you almost no noticeable real life advantages, it's still a better proposition.
That's a matter of opinion.
I'd personally go for an i7 now and SSD later as LeMarcus suggested. More future-proof that way. Nobody may need an i7 now, but it could come in handy down the road.
But the point is there is no way to order an i7 now, so sad. Hope it will show up again soon next week.
If you don't think SSD is worth the cost, the i7 wouldn't be either. Honestly, the idea of future proofing in computers is a weak one. In the future, the i7 will not give you any significant benefits over the i5 in any situation.
get i7-620m and update to ssd later this year.
I use MATLAB, which can be much more CPU intensive than Excel. From reviews and user experiences, the difference in calculating power is minimal between the two. There are several threads in the hardware subforum particularly. The i5-540M, i7-620M, and i7-720QM have roughly the same performance in even multithreaded programs (heck the i5-520M also is at least 90% as fast as the above three). The additional clockspeed and extra cache yield a few percent higher but actual calculations aren't scaled up linearly comparatively (slightly less), so the difference isn't that significant compared to the relatively large increase in cost.
Good news: X201 with core i7 appears in Lenovo Canada again.
Bad news: still not available in Lenovo US. -
I got the 640LM in my tablet. It's positively flying!
You're bringing back memories of Fortran! The version I used would overwrite constants if a matrix went out of bounds. It causes no end of grief when the value of a constant changes!
Anyhow, I believe the I7-620m should be more than enough for most peoples' needs. This is a laptop we're talking about, not a desktop replacement. If there's anything that needs to be improved, it should be the GPU (which is why I opted for a W510) -
EDIT: Woops, just realized that I just bumped an old thread, lol. -
I noticed after reading down through this thread it seems VERY focused on the CPU. The problem with the X201s isn't the CPU. It's the GPU and the price.
But you are paying for the slim and light form factor. Too much in my opinion.
I'd get the Sony Z instead. -
But you're paying more for the Z. That's fine if you want to game, but ThinkPad buyers for the most part are not gamers.
As for price, I paid about $950 + tax & shipping and I have the i7-620m, 4 GB, 320GB-7200rpm. No webcam but I did get the Intel 6200 wireless card which works great with either Windows or Linux. I got $200 off with a coupon I found online. -
It's all about choice. -
Besides, for all intents and purposes outside of gaming, the X201s' Intel graphics are more than enough. -
Core i7 620 in x201- this doesnt make sense??
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by x61x200, Feb 23, 2010.