Today I just happened to be staring into the infinite abyss of the latch hole on my 14.1" T61p palm rest when I noticed a little tab on the left hand side hole. It may or may not have been a leftover from a bad press/mould design but when I saw the left side hook that goes into the latch hole, it began to make perfect sense; there is a "receptacle" on the hook such that if you hold the hooks in "open" position by pushing the slider to the right then close the lid, the hooks will stay unlatched because the tab is preventing them from doing so, which means the next time you open the lid, you don't need to unlatch it first.
I don't know why exactly I would want to do that but I'm sure it'll come in handy at the precise moment that I need it, ,whenever that might be.
Do you have a picture of it?
Oh wow, you're right! Nice find!
You learn something new everyday! That is a cool feature. I wouldn't mind using it if I am keeping my notebook closed at my desk, but I don't know how often I'll remember to do it hehehe.
Hey it really works!
Not sure how useful it will be for me, but very perceptive of you to notice that! You should be an engineer -
Do you often stare into the infinite abyss of your latch holes? You can get help for that, you know...
Yeah. I have it on my T21 lol. Genius design.
Same on my R51... neat
Cool find. After looking at it, I think I found its primary reasoning. When the lid is closed, after sliding the latch opener to the right and then letting it go, it stays unlatched until you've opened it far enough. I guess it's a special present to those out there that don't have the coordination to slide the latch opener and the lid at the same time. Still shows you how well Thinkpads are designed.
hahah sweet man i have it one my thinkpad t61
Cool thing about my T61p lid
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by wju182, Apr 15, 2008.