I've just bought SL500 the one with P8600 2.24 GHz CoreDuo. The first time that I switched it on, after a minute or so, the fan started running and for as long kept that notebook on, it didnt stop. Though it was not running at that high to be very loud, but the notebook was not at all under any CPU load, but still it kept on running. Anyone else with SL500 experiencing this same problem? If it doesn't stop, do u think it's enough to return it back? I bought it from a reseller, not from Lenovo itself. Just wanted to know, if its something that can be considered as a problem?
I don't have SL experience, but hopefully some basic thinkpad stuff might apply to your case. Try tpfancontorl http://www.staff.uni-marburg.de/~schmitzr/donate.html , maybe it'll work with SL500 too. Check the power management settings too + try to run on battery and check if the fan behavior chnages. If you manage to turn of the fan manually via tpfancontrol you might discover that a significant portion of the noise goes from the hdd (my experience: t500 that barely runs the fan, yet with a loud hitachi hdd).
gvz, thanks for the reply, appreciated! I'll try that fan program, well my HDD also is noisy, I was thinking of calling the customer support if its normal. The HDD, whenever there is any disk activity, makes those kkkrrrrr sounds & one of the reason I dont like my older tosh laptop is that exact noise that comes out of that notebook
Continous Fan running on SL500
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by n0000b, Sep 19, 2008.