I'm thinking of upgrading the ram in my X40 to from 512mb to 1280mb. It has a 256 mb soldiered in and i'm thinking of getting a 1gb.
My question is will this make any noticable preformance gain given the notebook has a 4200rpm hard drive. I use it for mostly word and excel but I like to have quite a few programs running at once.
Also what's the difference between the Kingston's value ram and their system specific memory?
Is kingston a good brand or should I be looking at another make?
Yes more memory will help perfromance. Kingston, Corsair and Crucial are top brands. The value ram hasn't been tested as much so it is less expensive. Slightly increased chance it won't work.
Zazonz, if it was you buying the ram would you buy the value ram to save some money or pay for the stuff that's tested more.
I'm a cheap bastard, I'd get the value ram. You can always send it back if it does not work.
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16820145068 is a good bet. Same specification as the RAM that IBM would sell you.
Corsair's equivalent option, in their Value Select line (slower speeds and higher latencies than their XMS line, but it just happens to be that the slower speeds and higher latencies match the specification for your computer - if you get the faster stuff, you'll be wasting your money) is here: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16820145518
And, Kinston's ValueRAM option is http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16820172105
Myself, I like Crucial (that's the cheapest stuff of the three I linked) and Corsair. I'm running a stick of Kahlon (CPU-Z tells me that it's Kingston, though, so maybe it's a rebranded Kingston ValueRAM stick) in this old X21, right now, FWIW.
Considering more ram for X40
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by gmoneyphatstyle, Dec 5, 2005.