Can I connect my Lenovo N100 to my rooms 32" LCD TV ?
There is, on the right side of my laptop, a computer-screen-like port. I assumed it is 4 conecting a screen.
Possible (I dont want to blow up my laptop)
Thanks !!!!
If you are talking about the right most port in this picture...
Then yes, you can use that. But it is a VGA port, so unless your HDTV takes VGA in, you'll have some fun trying to make a square peg fit in a round hole. You'd need to convert the VGA signal to DVI (or get a port replicator with DVI built in), and then use an DVI->HDMI converter to hook it up to your TV. Doable...if you don't mind buying a few small pieces of hardware.
You could use S-Video, shown to the left of this pic...
But I think the resolution might be limited. -
definitely go for the VGA if possible. It has a much higher resolution and will display "full" HD (up to 1080p that is).
Connecting my N100 to an 32" LCD TV
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by o1d1e1d1, Jun 16, 2007.