I've had my Thinkpad T61p for a week now and it's pretty much amazing! But what irks me is the battery. The first time I turned it on and charged it, it had 5+ hours of battery life while playing music and at a quarter brightness. Now, from a full charged battery it only gets 3 and a half hours?
So then I looked into battery configuration. People kept saying that batteries only have a certain number of cycles but that the optimal thresholds for the battery manager is 36%-40%. Theoretically, if thats one charge/discharge cycle, wouldn't it be detrimental to the battery because of its brevity? Are there even more optimal settings?
Edit: I have a 9-cell battery.
What battery do you have?
I personally don't know what the batter considers to be one charge cycle, but I have a feeling that it automatically adds it up.
For example. if you went from charging up to 10% to 35% four times, that would be a total of 100% charge/discharge, which would give you one charge cycle.
Another possibility could be there's a certain charge amount it has to pass in order to be considered a charge cycle. An example would be if that number was 60% and if you passed it and get to 61% and then back to 59%, that would be a charge cycle.
Was the 5 hours what the meter said or what you physically experienced with the battery? If it's what the meter said, then I don't recommend you go by that because most of the time it's accuracy is off. -
what irks me a little bit is that the only source for that 40% charge info I've found has been the batteryuniversity link, and I'm not even sure where his information is obtained from (I had a quick glance over bibliography but nothing stands out, so maybe his own experiment; nevertheless I'd like to know more about it)
I'm curious as to what happens to capacity when the battery is maintained at BELOW 40% charge.
Not only that, but it recommends to avoid 'deep' discharges. How deep is deep? Would it be preferable to use a battery from say 40% to 10%, or from 70% to 40%?
The 40% charge thing seems similar to the 8 glasses of water myth. Everybody says it but where exactly does it come from and how was it validated? -
40% charge was a conclusion of testing which charge setting was optimal for decreasing the battery deterioration process as well as on-the-go use. At 40%, the temperature of the battery was mantained at a minimum temperature and one could get at least a good hour out of that.
A deep disharge would be going down to ~2-3% and then charging back up, which is basically like a complete drain. -
Well the original 5 hours was my first time turning on the laptop but the 3 and a half hours was taken from the meter. I guess the meter can't be trusted because this morning it said I had 2 hours left at 80% charge.
Confused about Battery Threshold Configuration.
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by BoredPirate, Jul 5, 2008.