For a few weeks now, whenever I unplug my computer & use it on battery power, it goes into hibernation at around 72% battery life. It doesn't matter what powerplan I am using, energy star or high performance. When I turn it back on the computer indicates it has 0% battery life. I'm not sure if it is an issue with the battery or the computer itself. Can anyone tell me what the problem is?
Forgot to mention it is a t61p & almost a year old..
You should calibrate it in the bios to make sure your getting proper readings.
Ok I'll try that, but do you think maybe it's the battery itself? It only last like 30 minutes or less. Also does the Lenovo extended warranty cover the battery?
Thanks for the reply -
Batteries are not covered under extended warranty.
Thats too bad, it's the warranty where they are suppose to come to your house and fix it.
Lenovo's site tells me this on warranty lookup:
This product has a one year limited warranty which includes a ThinkPlus warranty upgrade. This product is entitled to parts and labor and includes on-site repair service. Service is available Monday-Friday, except holidays, with a next business day response objective.
So wouldn't it cover parts? -
I did a reset & it just went into hibernation again, this time at about 60% then came back on at 0%. This is just ridiculous, does anyone know of this issue & if it is the battery itself?
Lithium-ion batteries have a much lower tolerance to wear-and-tear than older format batteries if you don't follow the recommended maintenance (essentially discharge the battery completely every 4 weeks followed by a full charge to 100%, don't leave the battery in when it's fully charged for more that a few minutes, etc etc) Plus, they generally don't hold their full 100% on-battery time for more than 2 years. It honestly could just be you wore out your battery in a very short amount of time.
I'd call Lenovo ASAP and try to get a replacement though. It sounds like it wore out in an unacceptably short amount of time. -
Thanks a lot Echothedolphin, I did keep the system plugged in a lot, but I didn't expect that it wear out the battery this bad. I will definitely call them up & get a replacement.
Thanks everyone for their replies! -
Computer goes into hibernation at 72%!
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by RPA899, Aug 22, 2008.