Every time I turn on my computer the Comodo fire wall asks whether to allow a bunch of Avast files to go through. I try to check yes and remember me, but there are FAR TOO MANY files to go through (avast.setup etc), , one after another, very annoying, it keeps me from doing anything else! There should be a way to either disable the Avast access upon turning on computer, or to allow everything related to avast every time after booting, does anyone know how to do either? Thanks in advance!
Thats the combination I'm running too, but have't decided if I'm keeping it. I don't have your problem though. I think there's an option to put the firewall in learning mode os something like that so it lets Avast run and learns what it is supposed to do.
I'm having a weird issue related to CSS/TPM not starting right and my wireless card starting disconnected and I must connect manually. Both seemed to start after Comodo ran for a few days. -
maybe stopping the automatic update will prevent the initial slowdown but not cure the problem. I use Comodo and get frequent pop-ups for AVG after updates also. I assume because there is updates to the engine itself. Learning mode works pretty good and should be on by default. Sometimes going into the application menu and deleting all the instances of a program and letting it relearn helps.
I've used Comodo for quite a while. The popups slow down over time - a fairly short time, as the app "learns." It really is an excellent program. I'd advise giving it a go for at least a few days before becoming frustrated and tossing it. It will be worth your effort, IMO. I've never had problems beyond the learning stage with Comodo.
Tall Emu's Online Armor plays well with Avast! I've heard a lot of issues about Comodo's firewall so tried OA instead and haven't regretted the decision.
Thanks for the replies. The problem still exists
Online Armor is not free (seems there is free trial but may expire after some days). I have two free anti-virus software installed, AVG and Avast. I also have Comodo. If I want to simplify the matter to avoid the problem, should I uninstall Avast or Comodo? I guess Avast, since I have AVG kept? It's not good to have no firewall at all, is it?
You should not have two AV apps installed, free or otherwise. One or the other should be uninstalled; I'd suggest Avast since that's the program that seemed to have been causing the issue with Comodo. And, no, it isn't good to run a Windows machine without a firewall. There are other pretty fair choices. Zone Alarm isn't bad, though I've never run it with Avast or AVG. Since you've already got Comodo installed, it might be best to continue with it and AVG and hope your problems stop. Good luck.
Thanks! I am in the process of uninstalling Avast now. Can you believe, it's already about some 50 Comodo pop-ups and the end is still not insight! some 20 minutes already! I didn't have the problem before I reinstalled Comodo.
Why is it not good to have two anti virus softwares? -
And I'm running OA free... while there is a free trial of their paid version, there's also a free version. Works well, minimal pop-ups. Even so, I only use it on my desktop on my home network. I used Windows Firewall on the 3 laptops. -
Thanks. If you think Online Armor is better than Comodo, I'll give it a try. I see I have Windows Firewall, too (came with the laptop). Do you mean with Windows Firewall we don't need the OA or Comodo or others?
Windows firewall isn't as good as Comodo, ZA or others that are available, but IMO, isn't bad, especially if you've chosen other security apps which are high-quality.
Probably not to the same degree, but I don't think it's a good idea, unless you decide on a router with a firewall, and a software firewall (Comodo, ZA, etc). I'm not an authority on firewall technology, so perhaps when a smarter, more knowledgeable person than I posts, you'll get a better answer.
You can also try one of the 'Security Suites' (AV + Firewall combo), such as Norton Internet Security, McAfee Security Suite, ZA Security Suite, etc.
But they ain't free..., and consume some system resources (need min 2 GB RAM, esp if running on Vista, IMO).
Tho' you may be able to get a rebate from from online sites such as this one. -
On my laptops, I use Windows Firewall instead of OA, simply because I'm trying to achieve a minimal performance hit on them. I don't store sensitive info on them, like I do on my desktop. The Windows firewall only stops inbound traffic, it doesn't monitor outbound traffic or your programs' behavior, which the heavier duty firewalls do. But for my purposes on laptops, that's Ok with me. Whichever firewall you run, only run one of them... again, they don't play well with each other. -
Thanks for the helpful replies!
Comodo fire wall and Avast :(
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by kns, Jun 18, 2008.