I got my new W520 yesterday, and every time I try to calibrate the display using the built in calibrator it runs through for a few minutes before giving the following error:
Error with measurement data. Please check your display patches measurements​
It starts when I close the lid as it should and makes an occasional chirp.
The screen is not dimming or turning off (set to never). Screensaver is off.
I am not opening it up, the lid is properly closed.
No other programs are running.
I have tried uninstalling the program and installing the one found on the Lenovo website, which has no effect.
The calibrator itself is not dirty.
Am I meant to have upgraded the graphics drivers/disabled Optimus/enabled a setting somewhere? Has anyone else had the same problem?
Best of luck! -
Anyone have another solution, last format I could calibrate fine, now I have formatted twice without any luck, its really starting to me off that it only works 1/5 of the times and the error message is completely useless! What drivers should I install before I run the calibration for it to succeed?
Color calibration problem with W520
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by Oicde, May 5, 2011.