Has anyone else noticed cssauth.exe doing excessive disk I/O? Task Manager is showing only 109 reads and 56 writes, but 18,640,147 other I/O operations (and counting)I presume I need it for the fingerprint reader. I'd happily kill it otherwise.
I'm using a T61p on Vista 32-bit Ultimate.
I wouldn't you would need CSS for the fingerprint reader unless they changed the software since my T42 which had the reader. I always do a clean install and never put on CSS.
You're right, thanks! I removed the running task and deleted the currentversion\run key and the fingerprint reader works fine. I can only assume so that it relates to the password manager in some way (which I'm not using).
The only other strange lenovo process left now is TPOSDSVC.exe, which I know is the on screen display message handler. For some reason it's performed almost 5 million I/O (other) operations. -
I guess it must be constantly polling the volume controls, etc., but surely there's a more efficient way to handle it.
"So, if someone isn't so interested in password manager for internet sites, is there a way to totally remove client security solution but keep fingerprint reader to work ?? (for windows login etc etc)"
Yes. They are two separate executables. From my own memory they start with TP. Simply kill the one that monitors explorer and either rename it or delete it. If and when you do an update of that software, you'll have to repeat this. -
cssauth.exe is the process which authorizes logins into websites and windows applications using the fingerprint reader. If you dont use fingerprints to login into websites you dont need Client Security Solution too. Uninstall it and the fingerprint reader works fine for the regular windows logon. The basic fingerprint reader software will be enough for basic windows logon using fingerprints. Hope this helps!!
And another one: Client Security Solution, as i read somewhere, directly communicates with the hardware chip that my T61 has built-in.
What kind of protection is this really provide ?? -
That's what I've done - uninstalled the Client Security Software and left the Fingerprint Software intact - and the reader is functioning perfectly for windows logins.
Client security app (cssauth.exe) massive I/O usage?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by donedadonedone, Dec 25, 2007.