Since receiving my T400s I've noticed it clicking on a fairly regular basis. Is this at all to be expected or should it be taken as a sign of impending doom? It's not a violent sounding click, and it's always singular clicks as opposed to a series of them.
If it's just singular clicks then its probably fine, however if they become more frequent and louder it could mean the drive is going to fail soon. How long have you had this issue, also how old is the laptop?
I've noticed it since I received the unit, at the beginning of February. It's fairly frequent -- I'd say several times per hour -- and somewhat muted sounding. It's a change from my previous Thinkpad which made no such noise. Thank you for the feedback.
Also, if the t400 has a 7200 rpm drive it will make more noise than a 5400 rated drive. I have a 7200 rpm external drive that sometimes sounds like its about to take off
EntityX, thanks for the reply. It's a 5400. I've noticed that the amount of clicking has seemed to increase considerably since I defragged the drive for the first time the other night.
I have a Hitachi hd in my clicks.
It's normal.
drake -
I have T400s and Toshiba HD and have the same clicking sounds from the machine. It happens probably more often than ewthompson's, but sounds quite muted. I have just used it for about 2 weeks so I don't know if this is a concern I need to address.
Can either of you check to see what hd drive you have?
My hard drive is the Toshiba MK1229GSG. -
Drake, thanks for the input. How long have you had your Y530? -
Mine is the same as ewthompson's.
It is a very nice machine. Just got a's a great machine also.
drake -
You could take a look at the hard drive's SMART data to see if anything is out of the ordinary. An easy tool to use for this is HDTune's drive health section (link in my signature).
if a hard drive clicks it's highly likely that it's dying. make sure you have everything you need backed up, just in case
My 5 year old T42 is clicking more and more recently....maybe once every day. But it's LOUD. I can hear it from the other room. That's why I'm trying to jump ship sounds exactly like my desktop did when the hard drive completely blew up. Unfortunately wait times for the Lenovo I want are so high that I think I'm going to get a desktop first and wait for more reasonable ship dates on the Lenovos.
Just might do that....seriously looking into a nice desktop. The wait times on the lenovos are riiiiiidiculous
Also having neck issues and hunching over a laptop is not helping. I'm thinking getting a desktop so I can sit properly -
Maybe this will help:
Clicking hard drive T400s
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by ewthompson, Feb 21, 2010.