Hi all,
I own a IBM R40 and it seems that my thinkpad is heating up too much. I think this is due to the layer of dust on the CPU fan and the heat sink. Any advice on how to open the cabinet and cleaning the stuff.Any help will be appreciated.
Kaustav Ghoshal
An easier way to go about it is to get canned pressurized air and just blowing in the vents. Although it won't clean it 100% the amount of dust that will be removed is going to be significant to improve cooling.
BTW it is good practice to blow pressurized air into vents on a regular basis. -
i had the same problem. DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT use a vacuum on it. It cleans out all the dust perfectly, but the only problem is that it demagnetizes your fan and it will fail to work ever again. now i have to purchase a new processor fan and get it installed. dust off is the only way
Cleaning CPU fan and heat sink on IBM R40
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by kghoshal, Feb 12, 2006.