There are so many drivers on Lenovo's site.
Which drivers are essential for a clean install of Vista x64 on a T400, and what should I avoid?
philosopherdog Notebook Consultant
I agree it does look a little daunting to try and figure out which are essential. It seems the best thing to do is to try and follow one of the guides posted here on NBR.
I plan on doing a clean install...just gotta find a Vista 64 disk. If you have any ideas, please let me know.
philosopherdog Notebook Consultant
I am following one of the guides as well. One of the things that sucks is the names of the drivers! Not helpful at all. So, I've been renaming them as a I download. I takes a couple of hours to grab all of the files. Nobody has made all the drivers available in one big zip file somewhere? That would be handy.
Clean install of Vista x64 on T400... Which drivers are essential? Which to Avoid?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by philosopherdog, Nov 10, 2008.