I did a clean install of Windows 7 today on my 64-bit T400.
Everything works fine except for The screen is dimmer than normal, and the brightness buttons do nothing. Along with the volume buttons do nothing. Is there a driver I need. I looked through the list of drivers on lenovo's site and installed a few and none have fixed it.
Any help is appreciated.
Stewie Griffin Notebook Consultant
which ones did u try?
honestly? I don't know. haha I downloaded with windows updater first. it installed alot of them. then just went down the list installing what I thought I needed. Not the best way of doing it I know.
But what driver would contribute to this?
I can change the volume with the buttons, but it doesnt show up on the screen. And the brightness buttons don't work at all. -
Stewie Griffin Notebook Consultant
what happens when you try to increase volume through windows?
system update 4.0! system update 4.0!
UPDATE: Installed System interface THEN reinstalled hotkeys.
Volume controls now show up and work perfectly.
BUT the screen brightness shows up on the screen but the brightness doesnt actually change.
wait... what system update? and whats it have to do with my computer? -
it's much MUCH easier getting it to install the drivers and utilities for you -
BaldwinHillsTrojan Notebook Evangelist
you need to install the monitor driver at the IBM site. W7 has a driver via W update but it only covers the aspect ratio. If you install the right one you will notice it then reads TP monitor. That should fix it. This driver did not install for me via Lenovo's update service. Had to do it manually. Go check the site for the driver, download, and install superceding the W installed one. Can also adjust Clear Type. You also need the Power Manager software to delta the screen brightness.
Clean install 7 now can't adjust volume/brightness
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by vince24L, Nov 22, 2009.