I did a clean install of Vista on my T61 yesterday. When installing vista I used the CD Key on the bottom of my machine, which worked fine for the install.
Once I get into windows for the first time, I get a message saying my CD Key is not valid for online activation, I need to reactivate. Sure, I phone in, do the whole spiel, get an activation code, and I'm good to go.
I start the windows update process, it goes on, about 3 reboots later, I get the message again. I need to activate windows again!... alright... I call in, the guy asks, did you activate another machine today? Yes! yes I did. I did a windows update and now it says I have to reactivate! He believes me, thankfully, and I get another activation code.
That was last night. I put the machine to hibernate when I go to bed.
This morning, I wake the machine up, and I'm greeted with a window saying I need to reactivate!
Anybody else experience this? Any ideas on what's up?
Should I try re-installing windows?
why are you reactivating it over the phone? try doing it over the internet instead.
Microsoft had a HUGE problem with Windows activation servers this weekend with thousands of people not being able to activate their machines, or having their machines spontaneously de-activate (this is due Windows wga constantly checking for activation status in Vista, unlike with XP where it activated once and stayed activated.)
Microsoft reportedly fixed this problem as of yesterday, so I cannot explain why you are still having issues other than to speculate they did not really fix it as they thought
Here are a poop-load of articles on it
http://news.google.com/news?hl=en&rls=com.microsoft:en-us&tab=wn&ie=UTF-8&ncl=1119993311 -
The one over the internet fails, and he was required to call in. I hav ehad to do this with my Ultimate edition a few times because of a motherboard replacement and other repairs. What is odd is the fact that the activation in effect, disappears... I would suggest a reinstall to hopefully correct whatever is going on there, because at some point MS is going to leave you hanging.
yeah, I heard the news about the WGA servers, but also heard that it was repaired..
I think I'll go with a reinstall tonight when I get home...
thanks guys.
Clean Vista install, need to constantly reactivate!
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by rukiri, Aug 28, 2007.