As the title says...
So far i've managed to find the T43p for £744 (not sure about older processor and graphics though) and N100 w/Nvidia Go7300 for £670 (think i would prefer a thinkpad though) but thats the best i can do at the moment. Can anyone find anything else (remember im in the UK)?
Thanks a lot
thinkpad t42p uses ati fire gl T2 128 mb similar to 9600 ati
you may try thinkpad R60 series and try configure for an ati x1300 or x1400.
not sure what kind of video card you want/need but regular T40-T42 uses ati 7500 or ati 9000 32mb dedicated.
Cheapest Lenovo & Thinkpad laptops w/dedicated graphics (UK)
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by onthenightrain, Mar 8, 2007.