I looked up my recently received T61p's serial, it has a warranty until January 2011, but in the US, i live in Canada. I couldn't find any information on the website about changing country's or how to. Is it possible to change country's with a small fee, or is it free, or is it not possible at all. If i needed to bring it in for service at any US Lenovo repair depot i could according to the warranty, so that would be do-able, but would be more convenient if i could transfer the warranty to Canada.
thinkpad knows best Notebook Deity
you can't transfer warranty..
Read Mark's Advice About International Warranty Services for more information. -
thinkpad knows best Notebook Deity
damn it. oh well..
Changing warranty country
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by thinkpad knows best, Nov 10, 2009.