Hey folks,
Am wondering if the performance difference and/or build quality between these two machines for web design & development associated tasks would be significant enough to pay the premium price for the X1, of if I could reasonably consider the Yoga?
IdeaPad Yoga 13
ThinkPad X1 Carbon
Thinkpad is better built, and the extra build quality and improved customer support is worth the price. However, if you take care of your laptop, the Yoga is by no means a bad laptop and if you need the convertible functionality, it is a winner.
Not so fussed about the convertibility functionality, but the Yoga is very light which I do like. Was trying to hang out for the T440s but can't wait until October (latest release update).
No one else?
You might wait for the T440s. It will weigh .5lb more than the X1 Carbon, but cost a lot less (using the T431s price as a reference).
Any idea when? Been hearing so many changing dates for its release.
Made my decision:
I think i would go with the Yoga, just because the web is an innovative platform that is used by all kinds of devices, and being able to access the sites you design in tablet mode would be a nice plus.
Though, wait for the Haswell Yogas in October -
Two biggest problems with the Yoga: poor Realtek wireless card and loud fans. I wouldn't pay full price for one right now given the flaws and the high probability it will be updated to haswell in a few months. The lenovo outlet almost always has several Yoga 13's in stock for pretty good prices.
Vote ThinkPad X1 Carbon, i have a Z470 and i will get it in future <3
Carbon X1 v Ideapad Yoga for portable web design?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by deeve007, Aug 30, 2013.