According to this thread, the capacity of the T500 9-cell is over 84 Wt. But my new one is only 71 Wt? Could someone with a T500 using the 9-cell battery look into Power Manager and write back the original capacity? And of course also if it's an original battery or not - Thanks!
84.24 Wh
Panasonic -
Thanks - then it's confirmed. I had some strange things happening with my 9-cell and if it report 71 Wt it must be defect.
Edit: Wauw I already thanked you
Werner -
Usually, the capacity of a new battery is a tiny bit over the design specified capacity, which is supposed to be 84Wh. Mine originally came with 86Wh.
In case it still helps:
Full Charge: 76.25 Wh
Design Capacity: 84.24 Wh
Sanyo -
Sanyo -
Thanks all. @scholar80: How many cycles and what is the date of first use?
Panasonic battery.
Design capacity of 84.24 Wh.
Built 9/11/2008 (gulp...)
72 cycles
It's down to 75.50 Wh, but I don't know if having my charge threshold set to 94% has something to do with that. With Intel SSD, Intel graphics, and Timers Off plan I've gotten anywhere between 6 hours 30 minutes and 7 hours 15 minutes. -
Sanyo Battery
Design Capacity of 84.24 wh
Full Charge Capacity 82.74 wh
Cycles 36
Built 10/2008
First Use 04/2009 (was sitting around for awhile)
I know I have a T400, but they have the same cells/capacity of T500 just in a different case. -
Werner -
I'm usually on AC power. I left battery charging threshold to Power Manager, but it seems to charge at 98% and stop at 100%.
I realize this can't be good (likely the reason for my capacity drop) and will soon be setting my own thresholds (probably 70% to 95% as recommended by Power Manager).
Capacity of a T500 9-cell battery?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by ITemplate, May 1, 2010.