I'm just making this thread to know approximately how long you guys have waited for your laptop to ship?
I ordered the Y580 model with 1920x1080, 500GB 7200RPM.
I placed my order on June 21st and its now July 14th, still hasn't shipped. It's rather frustrating and I feel partly scammed that the estimated ship date on the website was 6/28 when i placed my order.
Not like I was expecting it to be right on the dot, maybe a few days in between.
Anyways what about you guys?
I'd appreciate more feedback about it too as I plan on ordering it within the next days and I can't wait more than 1 month...
have you try to call them ?
I ordered the same model (500 GB 7200 RPM FHD screen) on July 1st. Originally it was supposed to ship yesterday, but after calling them, they said it's going to ship today, though I don't know how that works seeing that UPS won't actually start shipping it until Monday. Anyway, I haven't received an email yet confirming the shipment so I'm still in the dark. Why don't you try calling them and ask for an update?
I haven't tried calling them because I have been browsing the Lenovo community boards and many buyers in my exact situation have simply been given false hope by the Lenovo reps.
I have PM'd a board moderator directly called "Ty_Lenovo" but am still awaiting his reply.
I would be less frustrated if Lenovo could email me about the reasons for the delay. But i'm being left in the dark -
Based on what they told me yesterday, this particular model seems to be having a backorder issue. Personally, I'm not fretting too much over it as I was already aware it would take nearly 4 weeks for arrival when I ordered it; seeing it ship any earlier is a bonus for me.
The site seems to be saying if you order now, it'll ship by the 24th, so I'm expecting it'll leave the warehouse some time between now and then. -
ordered on the 5th, est. ship date was for the 16th. a couple of days ago, it changed to the 19th, and then i called to inquire about it but the CSR told me "nope, you re set for the 15th!"...
so now it's earlier than the original est. ship date? lolol
yeah i think it's going to take longer than the 19th -
Which model did you order? -
The FHD screen/500 GB 7200RPM -
I ordered the y580 (20993AU) on June 20th. It was originally supposed to ship by July 2nd. That date has changed twice and the most updated estimate is July 18th. Almost one month after payment...
On the topic of Y580s in Canada, does anyone know if all the Canadian Y580 models have bilingual keyboards?
Guess I'll call them Monday just to confirm and see if they can do anything about it before it ships, though I doubt it. -
I just had a chat with a very nice rep and I asked him about the keyboard if I ordered an Y580 through the Lenovo canada website and he said it'd come with a standard qwerty english keyboard. Which would be logical since you're basically ordering from Lenovo US... I didn't bother asking about backlight though as it seemed obvious to me it comes standard.
I invite you to talk to call them or chat with a rep just to make sure you get the same answer, but maybe that'll make you feel better. Perhaps you can also get confirmation that it comes with a backlit keyboard ?
Update : oddly enough another rep was positive it'd come with a canadian (bilingual) keyboard and that sadly there was not much to be done about it (you could always replace it later). -
Also, in terms of replacing it, any idea where I could get a similar (if not exact) keyboard as the US Y580 model? Not sure if I'm willing through go through the hassle of replacing it otherwise.
And on a side note, correct me if I'm mistaken, I thought Lenovo Sales Services were closed today, weren't they? -
I ordered through a rep with a quote for my system because I don't currently live in Canada, now all that's left for me is to send a transfer payment within 7 days and it will go in production. I specifically asked about the keyboard and he told me it was a canadian keyboard and sadly the only option available in my case (ie if you order from Lenovo canada you'll get a canadian keyboard, period). He immediately confirmed however that all models had standard backlit keyboards if for any reason someone had doubts.
No idea where you could get a replacement for the keyboard. I suppose ebay would be an option or maybe you could buy it directly from Lenovo, idk. I should have asked.
Apparently sales services are up since I was able to chat with two reps just today. ( here)
I also asked about delays on that specific model (Y580 20993AU) and the rep acknowledged there had been delays in shipping dates but assured me it was being adressed and recent orders should in fact be processed before the estimated date (take it with a grain of salt...). -
I had a chat with a sales rep a couple minutes ago. He said that all keyboards come with an AccuType Backlit keyboard, however he couldn't confirm if it was bilingual or not.
Now I just had a talk with Lenovo Sales Services; they rep seemed to be pretty confident that the keyboards is bilingual if you ordered form the Canadian site and even if I wanted to, I can't order from the US without a US billing address. So that seems to be it for now... Guess I'll have to deal with the bilingual keyboard somehow ._.
Edit: Also, the estimated shipping date seems to have been updated... again. This time, it's July 19th, though I wouldn't be surprised if it gets postponed again. -
Did you ever get an estimated delivery date? I'm from the US, so I'll let you all know if it's just the Canada Lenovo that's backed up or if it's everywhere. My machine is supposed to ship tomorrow (ordered it last Sunday). Really sorry to hear that you've ran into these issues.
what the heck lol i just looked down on my laptop keyboard (one bought from a canadian retailer back in '07) and its a bilingual keyboard! so i guess im used to it..
Hi everyone, just a little update.
My Y580 JUST shipped yesterday (July 17th), which is 4 days under a full month wait to get it shipped.
Im expecting maybe a week for it to finally get here -
Mine also shipped yesterday after i placed my order on june 24th. Anyone know how long to get a tracking number?
Did you guys get your tracking/ shipping numbers? I did but it doesn't work in upc.
Ordered july 5, shipped today (but the order detail thing says it shipped yesterday)
the tracking # doesnt work but they said that wait a business day and if it still doesnt work contact lenovo.
on the forums over at lenovo, i read that some guy had his 10 digit 52xxxxxxxx number work (which is what i have right now) after a while.
and i used this to get a detailed version of my delivery :S lol.
however, the tracking tool by UPS is different from when clicking the tracking # in the shipping email and clicking the tracking # from the tool as linked above. -
How long does it take to clear canadian customes?
Ive ordered 20993bu on 24th last month. Ship date got pushed back twice to july 19th but shipped on the 18th. I ve called lenovo and they told me it usually take anywhere from two to five days to clear canadian customs. We will see. I hope i really don't get a bad copy.. I be been scared by many users on the forum rma-ing due to little prob here and there. If i have to return for any reason i will be getting a refund and will just go to canada computers to buy asus g55 something. Waiting for a month for a laptop is insane.
And the lenovo rep i apoke with told me i will be getting a another email with tracking number starting with 1xxx when it becomes avail for me to track indivisual packages. This info goes against info given by ty @ lenovo forum. Two people working in same company giving me two different answers. So frustrating!
hey guys i just ordered my y580 on wednesday. I ordered the base model with the 500GB 7200RPM HDD, anyone have delays with this model? Im just hoping mine gets here in decent time :S
EDIT: Released to Manufacturing yesterday and the model is the 209937U
Ship Date
2012/07/26 -
So my order (that I ordered July 1st) shipped on July 18th. I've been checking the order detail page frequently and testing the tracking number (which didn't seem to work for me either, assuming that it hasn't passed through the customs yet) and for some reason, this morning, I'm finding an error page instead. The tracking number still doesn't work. Does anyone else seem to have this problem?
I too am also waiting for the tracking number to work. It shipped the same day. Post here if it works
same here, i have the same shipping date and tracking # doesnt work yet
The Sales rep told me that the tracking # won't work until it passes through the customs. But is it just me or does the order status page from the email they sent give an error page?
this page sometimes works (like some hours of the day it just refuses to load) and it's more detailed: Search Index
edit: oh isee what you mean, once you enter your details, the order status fails to show.. yeah the same thing is happening to me... maybe itll clear tmr, hopefluly. it was working yesterday though -
Hello everyone. I have emailed TY_lenovo once more addressing the issues in this thread (tracking number doesnt work , etc) and he has provided me with a working tracking number that is much different than the one given in the email sent by Lenovo.
Assuming your machines have shipped on July 17th like mine, i'm glad to announce that you have cleared customs as my machine has
Its currently on its way. Can't wait! -
It seems as though Lenovo might have the working tracking numbers, just perhaps haven't updated the working ones with the invalid ones.
I also PM'd TY_Lenovo on the Lenovo Forums as well like miscolobo and quickly received my 1Z... tracking number which is working.
My Y580 departed China on 7/18 and cleared Canadian customs on 7/21. -
EDIT: wait never mind that, i changed to canadian website and it works, thanks so much!
but it says someone over 21 years of age must sign the package -_--- but im going to be the only one home.. is there a workaround for this?? : (
but i really appreciate you guys posting this -
Edit: Yep, it's coming my way. -
oh boy, im excited, it just finished destination scan at like 10 pm and they said it's coming tomorrow (or technically today)!
Ohh man.. U guys are lucky.. Ordered mine last Wednesday on the 18th was supposed to ship out on the 22nd .. Now it was delayed to yesterday and today still nothing so far.. I hope this thing ships out soon
lol i think most of us waited 2+ weeks -
Yea man the wait sucks
but as long as the laptop comes in ok and without issues or anything I will be happy
this thing is a beast for only like 930 bucks
Ohh man. Waiting kills me .. Im.so.hyped about this laptop can't wait
and ig my last post didnt gothrough .. But im hoping everything comes in ok without issues. Also anyone doing any upgrades to theirs? Im moving my hyper x ram into the new laptop along with my SSD
EDIT: just talked to a rep "K^&*&ik Kri^&*ty" about my order and the actual date should be the 27th and things are a bit delayed due to very high demand.
Also my order is a high priority since ive talked to them twice about this so hopefully all is well -
Ordered mine on Sunday 15th, went to Released to Manufacturing on the 17th, In production on the 19th, Shipped on the 20th and still shipping (estimated for the 26th) it seems since the tracking number does not seem to work and Ty_Lenovo didn't give me a new one but said it will work once it arrives to Canada. All in all, it was very straightforward in comparison to the stories I read here (it was the one with the SSD on the canadian website).
nice man! good to hear
mine is almost the same... minus the fact that production is taking a long time.. i ordered then was released to manufacturing quick and then in production.. stuck there and i really hope mine ships out on friday
I just got the laptop a few hours ago; took some time to set everything up and I'm using it right now!
So far, I only tried World at War max settings and was surprised to find that it was kind of lagging sometimes. Then I found that it was still using Intel HD Graphics 4000 and never switched to the GTX 660, which I later took care of by going to the NVidia Control Panel. Just tried it with the dedicated graphics card and I have to say, it chewed right through W@W as expected.
Canadian's who ordered a Y580
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by miscolobo, Jul 14, 2012.