When plugged in, I can come back from either fine.
On battery, doing either seems to put my laptop into hibernate mode (the sleep icon is off) and nothing brings it back. Even if i plug the power back in, it stays dead. I have to restart.
any ideas? : /
using a T61 with Vista Home Premium
I have the same problem with Vista Business
try the thinkvantage system updates. you'll notice that a new turbo memory update was released in the past few days. it addresses bsod issues. I had major problems when on battery and the various updates have definitely helped the situation. a clean install of vista would probably also fix your problems, but that might be a little premature if you haven't tried the updates. i went from a 75% chance of bsod on battery to around 10% now... still unacceptable in my opinion, but obviously a major improvement.
Can't resume from standby or hibernate on battery...help!
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by rukiri, Jul 17, 2007.