This is driving me nuts. I have spent hours doing a clean install on my new T520. Everything went great. I've gone through the Lenovo update a bunch of times and have made it down to these three remaining updates. They simply will not install. I've googled, tried to manually update using the Lenovo website, everything...nothing works.
How does one magically install these updates successfully?
And when I try the manual install, I get this:
And Rapid Boot will not install whatsoever.
RapidBoot won't download on my new T430 either. I'm not too concerned about it though.
The whole AMT issue has me irritated though. My version from a cmd line query is very old (like 5 versions behind). It just won't update.
Can't install some updates (T520 - Lenovo Update Tool)
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by hotsauce, Jul 14, 2012.