I have a Thinkpad T60 connected to a docking station. My problem is that, heaven forbid, I am away from my computer for too long it decides to power down/sleep/hibernate/whatever. I've changed the power settings to never sleep, never power down, etc. I've disable hibernation. It still does it. Once it's in this state I can not get the laptop to respond to mouse or keyboard. I can only force quit with the docking station power button (it seems to have no problem recognizing that button). This, obviously, isn't good when I have things open.
Anyone have any ideas?
This happens to me when the laptop is in presentation mode (which it switches into of it's own accord sometimes)... in this mode the external monitor, keyboard and mouse won't be active. If you open the laptop (in the dock) does it wake up? If so, try forcing your presentation manager to the docked setting.
I get similar issues when switching back and forth, but I've never been completely locked out as you describe.
It's possible there is a bios tweak that will prevent hibernation entirely, but I don't recall exactly where that might be.
Andrew -
I never tried opening the laptop in the dock. That should have been logical. It wakes it up but then when I close it, it goes into standby. I changed the docked setting to do nothing when I close the cover. Of course, like you said, it went into presentation mode on its own. Wish it was as easy as getting it to recognize the mouse but MUCH better than force quitting my apps.
Can't get docked Thinkpad our of hibernation
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by hjg1973, Nov 18, 2008.