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    Can't Connect to Clear with Intel 5350 WiMAX Link

    Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by stutzmanryan, Dec 6, 2009.

  1. stutzmanryan

    stutzmanryan Newbie

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    T500, Win 7 32.

    I get the following error message when trying to connect to the Clear WiMAX network. Talked to Clearwire support for an hour and they could not have been less helpfull. Anyone have any ideas?

    Connection status: Disconnected
    Cause: DHCP server not responding.
    Error code: 031
    Recommended action:
    The DHCP server on this network failed to respond to the request your system made for automatic IP address configuration. To force another request, click Repair. If the problem persists, contact your network administrator.

    If the problem persists, contact your network administrator and provide the troubleshooting information below.

    Adapter Details
    Adapter name Intel(R) WiMAX Link 5350
    Adapter type WiMAX
    Adapter speed 100.0 Mbps
    Adapter status Enabled
    Connection Status Disconnected

    TCP/IP Settings
    DHCP enabled? Yes
    Append parent suffixes of the primary DNS suffix? Yes
    Register connection's DNS suffix in registration? Yes
    Register connection's DNS suffix in DNS registration? Yes
    Enable LMHOSTS Lookup? No
    NetBIOS setting "Default"

    Wireless Settings
    NSP Name Clear
    Profile ID 2

    Security Details
    Disable file and printer sharing? Yes
    Enable windows firewall? Yes
    Disable internet connection sharing? Yes

    System Information
    System model 2241AY9
    BIOS version 6FET81WW (3.11 )
    Operating system version Windows 7
    Access connections version 5.42

    Global Settings
    Allow all users of this system to switch to any existing location profile -> No
    Allow the wireless LAN radio to be turned off when inactive -> Yes
    Enable autodeletion of unused profiles -> Yes

    Show ThinkVantage Access Connections status icon in task tray -> No
    Show wireless status icon in task tray -> No
    Display the progress indicator window when a profile is being applied -> Yes
    Show Access connections Gauge in task bar -> Yes

    Enable sound effects -> No
    Do not show balloon tips from the Access Connections system tray icon -> No
    Do not show balloon tips from the Access connections deskband -> No
    Show WiMAX page as default on Main GUI -> No

    Automatic location profile switching list

    Include Ethernet connections in automatic switching and prompt me to save Ethernet ports -> Yes
    Preferred Location Of WLAN -> No
    When no other connections are available, connect through Wireless WAN or WiMAX -> No
    Wireless priority list
    Selection Priority Location profile name Connection order Connection details

    Yes 1 LAN Ethernet 1 saved port(s)
    Yes 2 R4J9F Ethernet, Wireless LAN 0 saved port(s), SSID: R4J9F
    Yes 3 University of Washington Wireless LAN SSID: University of Washington

    Log File

    Debug Log is enabled
  2. jaakobi

    jaakobi Notebook Evangelist

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    Maybe try it with DHCP off? Did you try the Repair option?

    Maybe Clearwire doesn't allow Wimax devices on their network that you didn't buy through them?
  3. yotano211

    yotano211 Notebook Evangelist

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    just get rid of them, they suck. slow download and even slower upload.
  4. wolssiloa

    wolssiloa Notebook Geek

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    I connected to Clear late last year without a Clearwire account and my ThinkPad was bought direct through Lenovo.