I am looking to buy an old refurb t40 while I wait for the duo core z60t's and would like to get my widescreen LCD now aswell. Just want to check if the monitor-out of the old t40 with the radeon 7500 will support widescreen, specifically 1440x900?
It says it supports a max res of 2048x1536 but no mention of WS, and I was hoping I could after reading this
1680*1050 with the t40 radeon9000
I rang the Lenovo tech support and they couldn't tell me and then put me through to sales, who I suspect didn't know but said no off the top of their head (they told me the wrong thing last question I asked them).
Thanks alot!
You might want to check over on ThinkPads.com forums. I know some people got the Dell 2005FP to work with the dock on a T42, but I think they did not use the stock drivers from Lenovo. Not sure what card it was.
Thanks alot, I will check it out. I think I am asking ALOT of the ol' T40
Can the T40 monitor-out do widescreen?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by LikwidSh0k, Feb 2, 2006.