I am considering purchasing a Lenovo W530, however I want to know if it can play HD movies. My current computer, the Lenovo R400 (old) cannot play HD movies on Itunes and can only play the SD version of the movies. I was wondering if the newer W530 could handle HD movies on Itunes. Looking forward to hearing what you guys think.
I need a display that can support HDCP
Note: If it helps I was planning on the 1920 * 1080 higher screen resolution when I purchased my 530.
easily, you won't have any video playback problems.
Great because for the R400 you need the SD version for comp and my Ipod uses HD so I couldn't play movies on both so that was one of my requirements a laptop that can play HD
I don't know much about iTunes, but it's surprising your R400 can't play HD. The X4500 in the R400 should be able help offload video decoding. My R60 could play 1080 Mp4s with no trouble, though I suppose it could be something particular to iTunes.
Ok, thanks for the advice and confirmation everyone!
Can the Lenovo W530 play HD Movies?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by cpwebsite, Mar 15, 2013.