Hi all!
My Program Files\Lenovo\System Update\session contains > 1GB of data, most of it appear to be downloads that have been processed.
Can I safely delete the entire contents of this folder, without breaking my system and or the System Update program?
My system runs Windows Vista Business on a V200.
Mines rather large as well, I'm interested in the answer.
You must keep system, temp, QuestResponse.xml and updates.ser, or else System Update won't start. You can safely delete all other directories.
Thanks! That works like a charm!
How did you find this info msb0b?
I can't quite remember. I had blown away my TVSU many times by trying to clean up the sessions directory. Then, I found a post about this on the thinkpads.com forums. A freshly installed TVSU puts only few (these?) files and directories in the session directory, I also used that as a starting point.
Thanks for very valuable information
I'm wondering... I just updated my system from Lenovo, and had to download a killer 239MB set just to update a few programs and drivers... Anyone have any idea what these Lenovo guys are up to? I thought Micro$oft was the "bloated software boss", but since Lenovo took over IBMs laptops I believe they earn that title big time...! (And as noted above, the useless files are even kept on disk after install!)
Why can't they use the regular update service from Uncle Bill? To me it seems awkward and fiddly to have to go to yet another update service... Any comments on this?
Can I safely delete the contents of Program Files\Lenovo\System Update\session ?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by evert, Feb 20, 2008.