How do you like this laptop? I see the threads with the touchpad issues and I am concerned about it and also the build quality of the machine. I went to check it out at a retailer today because I was really impressed by the power this laptop has. I came away a little underwhelmed about the build quality and found out about the touchpad issues. However, they also had an Asus G55vm. I was very impressed with it's build quality and think it probably would cool much better than the Lenovo. It is a little bigger and weighs a bit more (price is the same). However, the Asus only has a gtx660.
So, is the Y500 really problematic? I would rather have a reliable and decently powerful machine over an unreliable power machine.
Im comparing it with my MSI GX60 right now and it's a mixed feeling lol The SLI drivers on the y500 are buggy but the i7 and weight of the laptop are nice. The Screen is nicer on the MSI and the 7970M stomps the 650 in SLI. The A10 is a bit to slow for me using LightRoom 4.3 with 24mp raw 1000 photo files...sigh
What are you not like about the MSI GX60? Seems like a very powerful laptop. Is that pcu really too slow?
Edit: Oh I see...that CPU is much weaker. Do you find that it bottlenecks the 7970? -
What drivers are you using?
I have to update the pre-installed nVidia drivers that came with my Y500.
Will be dropping in my SLI ultrabay this weekend and try SLI out.
I am liking my Y500, no touchpad issues with mine, so I am lucky.
Build quality is not the greatest, but seems to be sturdy enough for a sub $1000 buy.
Calling out Y500 SLI owners
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by itprobradp, Feb 24, 2013.