In a nut shell: the game won't give me the option to enable physx on high. It's either off or normal. I've tried two different driver versions.
Can other Y50 owners confirm whether or not they have this issue specifically with Batman 3 (aka Batman: Arkham Origins)? I have a gut feeling Nvidia's drivers are treating the Optimus setup (Intel graphics / Nvidia card coexisting) like a hybrid setup and not allowing the game to let users run the more advanced physx options (normal setting in this game only runs on the CPU, high settings runs on the CPU and GPU).
Please help, this is driving me nuts!
Well it worked with the third set of drivers that I tried. Either that, or it worked with fiddling around with the NV control panel. Either way, sorry to clutter the forum up with a needless thread.
Calling all Y50 owners: Nvidia Optimus, Physx, and Batman Arkham Origins
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by ajvitaly, Jul 21, 2014.