I recently purchased a T61p and I've enjoyed it very much, but I have noticed one issue - the infamous CPU whine while on battery. It sounds like an electronic short.
I have done quite a bit of reading on the topic and I've heard of how to work around it, but my question is this: Is there any chance this can damage the computer (ie: blown capacitors) over a period of time?
Also, is this something that's experienced on all T61p ThinkPads, or is this a manufacturing defect affecting a handful of units?
While CPU whine can be very annoying (Apple have had a long standing issue with this [ reference]) I wouldn't say it was damaging to the computer. If you are worried about the long term effects on the system then you have to think a little about the problem. If it's like you say, caused by an electronic short, then I can gaurntee you the system would have suffered damage to the extent of being unuseable within the first 10 seconds
As for long term useage, the cause of most component failure over a period of time is degradation and mechanical failure. So to sum up what I'm trying to say - if it hasn't already blown up in your face, chances are it won't.
As for the whine its self, well you might want to read this thread to see if it answers your problem.
Hope this helps!
CPU 'Whine' - Can it damage the computer?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by VT-Vincent, Sep 11, 2007.