After much pondering, I decided to join the forums...
I'm considering about buying a T61 14.1". I configured one the Lenovo Canada website with better specs, and it turned out to be $1319. When I go to the site, and look at what they give me, it turns out the T61 is more expensive and also with not as good specs for $1399.
Does the visaperks discount apply after you buy the notebook? And how much would that be. And I also wonder, if I pay by visa on the regular canadian website, is there still a discount?
If you pay by visa on the regular Canadian website, you will be charged the regular canadian website price. -
If you're a student or employed by a major corporation, check out their affiliate/student deals, you'll be surprised by how amazing the deals are.
Yup, I checked the student discount page. The prices are a lot better than the visaperks site. Then I compared it to the regular site, with my saved cart. And the result after trying to configure the same notebook: same prices for the student site and the regular site (although the student site saves you about $20)
Now, I wonder if they'll ever update those prices. Today I checked the site and they updated some of the options for configuration. Do you think calling them about the visaperks page and having them update the price would be good? -
I already asked about when visaperks would be available with the full configurator options, they told me to keep checking the website for changes cause they had no idea when it would change.
Buying through more expensive?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by charchar123, Dec 10, 2007.