I have been very pleased with my T61 and have written a few reviews and articles about it, as well as numerous forum posts and emails encouraging others to buy it. Just a couple of days ago a reader of one of my reviews sent me an email asking me some questions about the T61 and the responses I gave him made him go ahead and make the purchase. However, all that is now in the past.
A friend of mine wanted me to convert a file for her from one format to another, m4a to ogg. On my desktop machine I can easily do that by playing the file with VLC and recording the output in Audacity, which then allows me to export it as an ogg. What a surprise to learn that I can not do that with my beloved T61 because it has been intentionally crippled!
At least that is what I am lead to believe from the following discussion threads:
Until this issue is resolved, if at all possible, I will discourage one and all from purchasing Lenovo laptops. I have updated all my reviews to reflect this.
Really? We shouldn't buy a Lenovo just because it can't convert a m4a to an ogg.
Hmm. -
Well, Lenovo disabled stereo mix as a precaution to getting sued by the RIAA. Dell also does the same with several of their laptops due to the RIAA. You can't say "don't buy lenovo" because what needs to change is copyright rules not the laptop itself.
paper_wastage Beat this 7x7x7 Cube
well, dell doesnt have a m1330 driver that works with stereo mix, but there are drivers modified to work with m1330... the only bad thing is that m1330 has 2 headphone jacks, but the modified driver can only use one..
And plus, most newer laptops will not have stereo mix due to the RIAA again..
Why would you do the conversion in such a strange way? You're not trying to break the DRM on the file by picking off the soundcard output are you?
redrazor11 Formerly waterwizard11
lenovo makes laptops for quality and business. Unless it is someone's job to convert these files...I cant see how you can justify not buying from lenovo. Like stated above, many laptops don't have the ability to record from stereo mix, because people were cutting their own mp3's and keeping illegal music easy.
The file has no DRM attached at all. That is just the quickest way I thought of doing the conversion without having to search for some piece of software to do so. The point is that I should be able to do this with my hardware if I want to.
If that file conversion is really really really important to you. Buy a new laptop and hope it will do the job.
There aren't that many buy a thinkpad to do those things anyway. -
If those that care about this issue are not many, then Lenovo has nothing to worry about. If on the other hand this results in less sells for Lenovo then maybe next time Lenovo will choose to fight the RIAA rather than meekly surrender to its demands. -
redrazor11 Formerly waterwizard11
I can already confirm at least one less purchase for Lenovo. It was going to be a T62.
If you want to sue Lenovo, good luck with that. -
KUNFUCHOPSTICKS Notebook Consultant
What are you guys saying? Listen to yourselves, you are backing up the RIAA when it's threatening major PC makers to follow their damn rules.
RIAA shouldn't be able to get away with this crap. Lawsuit or not, PC makers should stand against them and preserve the rights of the users and not give in to their constant threat of suing everybody.
This is only beginning of hardware DRM restrictions- unless the industry fights back the RIAA. -
Wouldn't something like this do the trick?
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16829102020 -
please sticky this.
All he needs to do to solve the original problem is download dbPowerAmp and the m4a+ogg codecs for it. It would have taken one tenth the time spent threatening to put Lenovo out of business.
On the other hand, if Lenovo was to issue a fix ...
(PS: or at least an apology and a promise not to do this in future models.) -
Remember, people are buying crippled hardware without notice from the manufacturer and without proper warning from the user community! -
i hope you go to all the other notebook manufacturer sub-forums and demand stickies for all the brands that do the same exact thing.
as stated before, Lenovo is simply succumbing (rightly or not) to market pressures in line with other manufacturers. they are not the only ones to do this. -
(For some reason I can't get the link to work directly to the post. See post 74 on page 8 of that discussion.)
Not so with Lenovo. -
Why do not dell release vista driver?
As usual: if you are not happy with windows:
http://www.linux.org/ -
I don't think anyone is trying to cover anything up here. This is simply such an uncommon issue that not that many care. Maybe it does head down a slippery slope or whatever, but it's not going to sway me to another manufacturer.
If you want to start a lawsuit over this then go ahead. It's not like Lenovo advertised being able to record from line input as a feature.
A little while ago I was made aware that laptop wireless cards are actually hard-coded to work with particular laptops and not others. That might be something you want to sue about too. -
http://www.winff.org/ -
And there are many such like discussions going on around the web. I'd say there is quite a bit of interest on it. And just wait till I am done. I haven't even started to raise my voice yet. ( A bit busy at the moment.)
At the very least, Lenovo should have made it known in the specs that this feature was not present, but it appears that the opposite was true. Again, I will have to verify this.
I have written a french guide about diablo II's paladin class:
Around 140k view. So the only thing that your "over 33000 views and over 260 posts" deserves is a big LOL since it's rather low number, at least for a popular internet forum.
"I haven't had a chance to verify this, but several comments on various threads say that in fact Hitler is a saint".
It's only "unreasonable" for those who don't think with numbers ($$$) but emotions. Emotions are always unreasonable.
Did they put on the spec that their machines have that feature? No? Since they didn't promise it, why must they do it?
It's exactly the same kind of issue. -
People doing transcodes from one lossy format to another should be shot either way ;-)
People trying to record by connecting their soundcard Inputs to its Outputs in order to avoid some audio playback limitation are crazy. It's not that hard to bypass such things. Learn how to use search engines, learn how to read. -
Most posters on this thread completely miss the points.
1) Lenovo is caving in to the demands of the RIAA over the users (you can justify this by lawsuits, but its a fact). This has diminished Lenovo's reputation in my opinion.
2) Some manufacturers have not removed this "feature"--Lenovo should be one of those manufacturers.
It doesn't matter if you don't use the feature, or if there are better versions, but it shows that Lenovo prioritizes the RIAA over its users as a whole. Remember, it is shortchanging all users on this "feature" so as a paying customer I can't help be slighted.
In addition, some posters have bashed RM2 for not posting this message on other manufacturer forums. Well, all I can say is that he seems to be a TP user, so it would be logical that he would voice his opinion where the $ is going, and where his experience is.
Lastly, the existence of this thread (though not necessarily the title) is an excellent idea, as it may cause Lenovo to rectify their current course.
With that, all appreciable counter-points have been nixed. I am surprised at the myopia of notebookreview posters.
The only thing I have to criticize RM2 for is the vague and possibly misleading title.
Personally, I am a die-hard TP user (I own 5), but it is becoming harder and harder to recommend them as time passes. This is also the general sentiment on forum.thinkpads.com. I would not be surprised if a couple years down the line my next laptop was a Dell. -
I haven't heard very many people complain about the wireless card issue mentioned a few posts back. Many, if not most laptop manufacturers hard-code a list of allowed wireless cards into the BIOS. I attempted to replace the wireless card in my laptop for a better one, and I was surprised to learn that I could not. This issue seems more pressing than this wave output issue and it has been around longer. As far as I know, this issue is yet to be rectified, so good luck on this one. I'm surprised you wouldn't have dropped lenovo long ago for the "crippled" BIOS they give.
Here is a link about IBM laptops in general relating to the wireless issue:
It is extremely relevant to this topic. -
The title is misleading...
People posted ways to do the conversion you wanted...
As far as the RIAA I blame Metallica for busting Napster! -
the wifi issue is a compatibility problem, the OP is talking about a disabled feature.
either way a consumer should be aware of both. both issues should be highlighted in the thinkpad sticky
the lack of this feature alone makes thinkpads a questionable purchase for A/V students.
[the tabook also mentions "mic input jack" vs stereo input jack so maybe that was the red flag]
either way, thanks for the heads up rm2. -
What do you expect? Happy user never go on such a forum, since they have other things to do that complaining for an issue that is not one: converting a lossy codec to another DO NOT REQUIRE YOUR DIRTY METHOD and converting a lossy codec to another IS A VERY STUPID IDEA.
Do you have more valid stats? Like a "% of thinkpad users complaining about this issue", "total number of user affected by this issue"?
Because "view number" is really the most invalid stats ever.
"This wireless card support thinkpad t61, t60, r61..."
Look at Windows Vista box, are there any: "not supporting 16bit processor"?. Instead, it's: "supporting 32 bit processor and higher"
If we continue that way, instead of having a list of content, there will be a list of "things that are not in the box".
Let's go!
Thinkpad t61 spec sheet:
Hardware that it does not have:
AMD Chipsets
Via Chipsets
DVI port
Parallel port
eSata port
Software not included:
Winodws 2k/Me/98/95...
OS X 10.0//10.1/10.2/10.3/10.4/10.5
Red Hat linux,Fedora linux, Opensuse, ubuntu, kubunu, xubuntu, edubuntu, PClinuxOs, debian, gentoo, arch
Office xp/2000/97...
Openoffice 2.x/1.x
Not being design to be used as:
toilet paper
transcoding in a stupid way
skate board
home theater
If you want to do Multimedia stuff wouldn't it be better to buy a multimedia laptop because the Thinkpad T series is a business laptop not a multimedia laptop.
Buyers beware of Lenovo laptops
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by rm2, Jul 31, 2008.