SkiBunny was saying in another thread that the prices of the T60s will drop more by December, so I'm not sure if I should wait a couple months to get the better, more expensive T60 or buy the R60 now. I've been doing a lot of reading on the internet and getting opinions from friends, family, and this forum. There's a good deal for an hp dv2000t for $800 that I almost went out and bought, but I don't think I want to go for another consumer line laptop. I've had experience with Sony first and then Toshiba (which I've been ready to dump for a long time). I'm ready for something better. I really hate the fan on my Toshiba--loud and comes on too frequently. When I'm sitting in class just taking notes on Microsoft Word, it'll be quiet/fine for the first 45 minutes or so that the laptop is on, but after that, the fan turns on every ~5 minutes for ~20 seconds. It's quite annoying. I've always wanted a ThinkPad and my cousin has been telling me to get the T60 (he has one) and recommended all the top specs, e.g. 100gb hard drive, 1gb RAM, 14.1" SXGA X1400, but I'd end up paying close to $2000 for something like that. I'm looking to spend ~$1000. I don't play games or do anything high-tech. I basically use the Microsoft Office programs, iTunes, Photoshop, watch some videos, burn CDs, email, surf the web. I read the review on the R60 and still can't pull the trigger on getting it because I've heard great things about the T60. If I bought direct from Lenovo, I configured the R60 and the T60 to the specs I want and it basically came out to paying about $250 more for the T60, which would put me at $1150. I'd like to have a new notebook soon, but I can wait until I'm on Christmas break if it means having a T60 for a better price.
My main buying points are: quiet (#1), then the rest in no particular order: at least 60gb hard drive, 1gb RAM, CD-RW/DVD-ROM. My cousin says that I should get non-integrated graphics, but would someone like me really suffer from having GMA 950?
I've been looking at a T60 and have pretty much decided to wait until december or early january. I think that if you really have time to wait that you should because either you will be able to get the T60 that you really want or hey maybe the price of the R60 will also decrease also because I don't think they will rise. Also I noticed that you said you use it in class so I am inferring that you are a student. Have you visited the lenovo education website. Even though I wasn't going to buy it yet, when I configured mine the price difference was at least $150 I can't remember the exact difference. Also you may be able to talk to your school book store or someone on campus to purchase the laptop through the university and you would be able to skip out on the tax.
If you can wait til the end of the year and/or new years, the price of both the R60 and T60 will drop. So will that compaq. I have no inside info, it's just that laptops always drop in price over any 3 month period. You're talking about Core Duo machines, and they will be 9-10 months old by then. So they'll be getting discounted more and more.
This review has a pretty good comparison of the T60 vs R60. To my mind, there isn't a lot of difference between the T60 and R60. If you have the money, you might as well splurge for the T60, but for most users I think the R60 will satisfy and provide more bang for the buck. Number 1 difference is weight (1.5lbs difference) and build quality (magnesium alloy vs. ABS plastic). However, like others have said, I believe waiting till Dec. or Jan. will result in price drops, not to mention you can net yourself a copy of Vista if that's what you're shooting for.
Be sure you're signed in so you see the academic pricing. You can get a loaded T60 for $1499, or a more basic one (which would probably fit your needs, although it's XGA) for $1199.
Given the price of RAM now, I think the $1499 one is a good deal. I paid only a hundred bucks less for mine, with less RAM and a smaller HD.
Will it go down in price? Sure, eventually... all tech gear does. It's a question of when you need it.
Chris -
I like the T60 a whole lot more than the R60 myself. While the R60 is a good laptop, the T60 just has that little bit more to give it an edge over the R60. Then again, I'm fanatic about build quality, so I have my bias. The form factor isn't something terribly noticeable until you line the two together.
if you're paying over a grand for a laptop..might as well spend a bit more for the superior build quality in the'll pay for itself after that first accident with it(knock on wood)
I lug an older T series notebook to class all the time myself, and I have to say that it's at the upper end of what I'm willing to haul around campus when you add in class books. If you don't have to carry many books 6lbs or so might be ok, and it doesn't sound like much, but it starts feeling heavier pretty quick.
Also, check and see if your university has a college purchasing plan, IBM/Lenovo has some really good deals for folks that can buy under one of these. -
I don't know if the deals are good elsewhere in the world.
Chris -
Thanks everyone! This is really helping me out. sublime323, yeah I'm a student and have been checking out the education website all this morning. I don't know if I'd be able to get someone to purchase the notebook for me through the school--the administration is pretty tightly run and would probably not do something like that for me.
Chris, I checked out both the $1499 and $1199 T60 models. The $1199 model is perfect for what I'm looking for, except that it has 512mb RAM. I'd have to buy more and install it. I haven't purchased RAM in a long time so I'm not sure how much 512mb more would cost me.
Right now, I'm leaning towards splurging for the T60 as Evil_Sheep said. I don't care too much about Windows Vista; I'd hate to have to deal with it being new and potentially having problems with current software. I was hoping to have a new notebook by the end of this month. Waiting until Dec/Jan to possibly save some $$$ on a T60 is tempting, but I am sick of my Toshiba. I'm still not ready to forget about the R60 though. I don't mind it being heavier than the T60. My current notebook is 6.8lbs and I carry it to school most days of the week. The only other thing I carry in my backpack is one binder (occasionally I'll have a book too).
Edited to add: Plus, if I ordered a CTO model through Lenovo, about how long would it take to get built and shipped. I've read varying things. -
512MB is not enough, given all the ThinkVantage software. You'll want 1GB.
Chris -
Intel Core Duo T2300 / 1.66 GHz ( Dual-Core )
512 MB (installed) , 40 GB, CD-RW / DVD-ROM combo, Wireless, 14.1" Display
Where to find a fully-loaded T60 at $1499? Did I miss something? -
Chris -
Did lenovo pay to censor complaints of the fan noise problems which are widely recongnized by the community? Don't make a cult out it. -
They say that having extra RAM cuts down on your laptop's accessing virtual RAM ("page file") on the HD, which saves power. I don't know.
Chris -
I think I'll be adding 1GB RAM aftermarket (unless people here think it's better that if given the option, I should just get the 1GB installed from Lenovo when ordering). Are there certain sticks, i.e. brands, that I should be looking for or staying away from? And would a stick that works with a T60 also work with an R60? (sorry if that's a dumb question).
Whichever manufacturer you buy from, just be sure you check that it's ThinkPad compatible. Just checking the basic specs is not enough. And definitely stay away from Kingston ValueRAM.
Chris -
Chris -
I noted that Intel spec for the 945GM chipset (used by T60) defines Symmetric and Asymmetric Dual Channel modes for this chipset (Symmetric providing maximum performance, Asymmetric trading performance for configuration flexibility). Take a look at section 10.2 of Intel datasheet 30921902.pdf. My preference would be 1G + 1G (or 512M + 512M if budget was a major concern), unless convinced otherwiseLast edited by a moderator: May 5, 2015 -
I'm a fairly cautious person when it comes to my prized gadgets, so I think I'd probably replace the 512MB RAM that comes with the ThinkPad and put in two identical 1GB sticks of RAM (hopefully the price will go down at some point soon). When I was reading old messages from 2-3 months ago about upgrading RAM, I was surprised to see that 1GB used to be around $75--a pretty big difference to the prices I saw today at newegg.
So I am happy to say that I put in my order for an R60 through Lenovo. Thanks to everyone who gave me their opinions--I took everything into consideration before I made a decision. I would really have loved to get a T60, but I couldn't justify to myself spending about $300 more when the R60 suited my needs just fine. Only downer right now is the estimated shipping date of 10/31. -
RAM prices ratcheted up in the last 2 months, tracking the "back-to-school" demand. My suspicion is that we probably won't see a decrease until after the holidays - especially with the ongoing demand for core duo and core 2 duo systems and corresponding demand for RAM.
Edit - Take a look at They will buy back used RAM at 40 - 60% of their advertised prices. If you have a few sticks laying around + trade-in your 512M stick, you could defray some of the cost of those 2 x 1G sticks. -
glo106, congratulations on your purchase and let us know how you like your new notebook. It will probably be shipped before 10/31, Lenovo prefers to play it safe with the estimated shipping dates.
You might entertain yourself with this short CNET review while you wait for delivery (I think CNET's rating of 6.7 out of 10 is a bit low).Last edited by a moderator: May 5, 2015 -
ChrisLast edited by a moderator: May 5, 2015 -
I will be sure to let you guys know how I like the R60. I'm already counting down the days until I have it in my hands. The end of the month can't come soon enough! Of the reviews I read before making my purchase, I thought the one on was most helpful in terms of giving lengthy details. I ordered mine with a 14.1" screen, so I'm looking forward to carrying something lighter in my backpack than the Toshiba I have now, which is upwards of 6lbs. I'll do a wait-and-see with the price of RAM...maybe by Black Friday it'll have gone down.
awesome a
would you guys ever recommend buying a t60 on ebay? even if it was brand new and cheap?
I really dont want to pay $200 for vista, and would want to have core 2 duo with the t60. Should I wait till dec and Jan? How much of a price drop would the t60's have?
Btw thanks for that educational discount link, its great! -
I don't think the Core 2 Duo offers much of a performance boost in day to day use.
Buy R60 now or wait to buy T60 later?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by glo106, Oct 9, 2006.