Has anyone else gone through this? First time I opened the back panel of my Y410P I broke one of the tabs that clicks and lock the panel into place. 2nd time I opened another one broke despite being really cautious due to the first time.
I successfully got a new back panel replaced by Lenovo but in case of future upgrades, I'm wondering what's the best way to open the back panel without breaking any tabs?
Yup, broke a peg on the first day. Oh well, it doesn't show at all on mine.
Hmm, do it really cautiously and slowly? i didn't use much pressure and just slowly opened it. Replaced my hdd with ssd without breaking anything. The ultrabay was irritating to remove though.
Mine broke where the cooling mesh area was, that part sticks out a little, looks terrible.
Broken tabs opening the Y410P/Y510P back panels?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by keddykd, Feb 17, 2014.