So, after reading many of the reviews from this website, scouring the magazines, and discussing the many options with friends and colleagues, I finally decided on the IBM T42. Model 2373CYU: 80 gig, 1.8 Pentium, Ultrabay, 15", and two mini-docks, one for home and one for work. Spent a bundle.
I almost exclusively use wireless at home, and connect to my firm's LAN via Ethernet at work. The wireless card worked perfectly, at first. But, since I've installed my firm's and my personal software (nothing exotic; Panda antivirus, Adaware spyware, printer drivers, etc.) and transferred my files, I cannot make the wireless card work reliably. I've spent HOURS on the phone with IBM Customer Service. I've repeatedly updated the drivers for both IBM Access and the card itself, during the "help" sessions. I can usually "see" I'm getting reception on the antenna but cannot get the settings configured so I actually connect. Then, sometimes, I get an error message saying I have to update my wireless driver again.
The last rep threw in the towel, convinced it must be a hardware problem. IBM accordingly sent me a box to return the computer for warranty replacement of the wireless card. I have not sent it in. I really don't want to be without the system for the week or more it will take, since I no longer have a replacement computer and because I only use wireless at home.
I also am just not convinced it's a hardware problem. When I installed a PCMCIA card in the slot, it too located my wireless signal but would not connect to my home LAN. I'm running a Linksys g-based router, and have had no problems with other computers with the network.
Anybody have any suggestions? Do I just punt and return the computer? Or, is there something else I can try?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I am not sure what the problem may be but I can help you eliminate the obvious. Do NOT use the Access Connections feature to switch between profiles. I assume your LAN connection at work uses a static IP address and at home you use a dynamic. I tried for a few days to use it because the program looks cool. Later I learned a few other people also had a similar experience. We are all now using Netswitcher. Problem solved and I now only select a profile for Home or Office use. There is also a nice new feature for sending emails while at home through my work email address. I used to have to change my outgoing mail server each time.
You may also want to disable the LAN card when you are at home. -
Wow. I had never heard of netswitcher. I had tried cirond's winc to do the same thing, but it did not do the trick. So far, netswitcher is working.
I agree, IBM's Access Connection looked so slick, I really wanted it to work.
I'll post again if netswitcher continues to make this beautiful machine work correctly.
Thanks, alot.
Is there a specific way you disable IBM's Access Connections? Do you uninstall the program? Or, do you just let Access Connections try to work, let it fail, and then go ahead and use Netswitcher to finally make the connection?
Thanks for your help. I really appreciate it. I wish I knew how I could pay you back.
I really did nothing to disable Access Connections, I just deleted the profiles I had created and started using NetSwitcher.
I only press the FN-F5 keys now when I want to turn the wireless or BlueTooth on/off.
Hope you continue to get the same great results I have. I received my T42p (2373HVU) right before Christmas. I still guilty about getting this machine for the price, I have no problem passing along any information I can. -
dont feel guilty as you pay for the quality over other brands
Guilt comes from the $1100 off that our company paid for this computer just be Christmas and many others have paid over $3400 for same system. Also, my co-workers are envious of my laptop compared to their HP pieces of junk.
Brand new T42; wireless problem
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by bstayton, Feb 14, 2005.