I have a Western Digital passport 250 GB external harddrive and i format it to NTFS and now i am trying to format it back to FAT32. I try to use window xp command to format it but fail since the hardisk larger than 32GB. I heard you can format it in the DOS environment without problems. So, Question???
1. How to boot my T60P to Dos environment(i have a external floopy drive)
2. After boot to DOS, How to format the external drive to FAT32.
Thanks very very much! Appreciate all help!
By DOS Envronment...I assume to mean the command line environment which is CMD.EXE?
What you want/need is the format command which is part of booting the bios.
Boot T60p to DOS environment
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by utopian3, Aug 10, 2010.