Can someone please explain to me the various color and blinking patterns of the battery led.
When I first powered it on this evening the LED was flashing orange and the system tray indicator noted that the ultrabay battery had 0% charge and was not charging. I decided until I can figure this thing out to power down and let the battery charge. After shutting down the laptop and letting it sit for about 5 minutes the LED has gone from a constant orange blinking to....Orange for 3 second, fast blink, orange for 3 seconds, fast blink and so on.
What does all this mean?
Also, while the laptop was running I was not prompted with any sort of error messages or battery charge indicator messages.
I actually addressed this situation directly to one of the leaders in Lenovo's design division. He addressed it in his blog:
In my honest opinion, I really still stand by my opinion that it is better to follow a more conventional approach to this LED behavior, whereas he stands by the opinion that the conventional approach probably would be too distracting and does not appeal to the business image. I personally believe that this feature / detail is insignificant on the overall image. But then again, I am not leading product design teams. (Read the comments - most agree with me though) -
I also think its better to have the light solid and only have it blink at critical times when on battery life. Nothing would be more annoying to have a green blinking light in a dark room, just like having VCR clock that wasn't set.
I know! Ugh... why dont they see this?! =[
Blinking Orange LED...what does this mean/what to do?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by bryank89, Jul 10, 2007.