Do you think that there will be a similar deal around July 4th or when school starts? I ordered a T61 but cancelled it due to the delays, as I need a laptop within the next week. I am considering other laptops such as the Dell D630, which currently has a great deal of configuring a system over $2000 and instantly getting $500 off. However, I would have to wait a little while for that laptop as well. I think my best best is to get a cheap $500 laptop for now and wait and see what deals pop up later this summer, or wait till next March when penrym comes out and manufacturers offer 800MHZ Ram.
Yeah but the problem with a summer sale is that shipments may be delayed then too, for the newly-released products.
i am going to buy it from my campus's store so i dont have to wait and i can simply return it to the store if any problems arise
The memorial day sale is a placebo deal, as will be the july 4th sale. Prices are inflated for sales, and deflated in between. Best bet is to order when you need it, and ask for price adjustments. Lenovo reps have promised to reimburse me should I ever find a lower configurable price.
HA. if only that were true.
I believe the timeframe for a pricematch is 30 days -
21 days counting from the date of shipment.
So, the way things are right now it's better to keep the order and you might even be able to get the discount in the summer. Beautiful!
Every summer i hear of some INCREDIBLE deals on high end models available only to registered students (one system per student) at their campus bookstore.
The prices are even lots lower than EPP + TailorMAde etc. -
Does anyone know when the 15.4" widescreen T61 will come out?
SkiBunny will there be a sale in Canada too?
There will be sale on Boxing Day, if you can wait
Boxing day? What kind of holiday is that?
December 26th
Chances are there will be good prices on leftover T60's and X60's. Not so the T61 or X61.
That's just an educated guess.
Last July, they they gave away T43's for 60-65% off and in Aug 2005 they gave away 42's for 60-70% off.
High end models were cheaper than in the U.S. or ebay etc. But it only lasted a week or two. They were shipped prompty too. -
Chances are there will be good prices on leftover T60's and X60's. Not so the T61 or X61.
That's just an educated guess.
Last July, they they gave away T43's for 60-65% off and in Aug 2005 they gave away 42's for 60-70% off.
High end models were cheaper than in the U.S. or ebay etc. But it only lasted a week or two. They were shipped prompty too.
Better prices later this summer?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by pbollin, May 29, 2007.