My question:
What is the best time to buy a Thinkpad T61 (thru EPP) ?
I am a grad student on a v tight budget.
I need to buy a 14.1' Thinkpad T61 sometime before Jan 15th 2008.
I have access to a friends EPP discount that I plan to use.
I have been tracking the price since August and havent noticed too much of a difference since then.
Will the holiday season discounts be the best deal that I can hope to get?
Will prices drop, post-christmas or in the new year?
Does anyone have any ideas/experience on how the pricing will work out during the next few weeks?
Thanks a lot, this forum has been v v useful in helping me make up my mind,
just fyi, i get this thinkpad via EPP for about 1 month process. i don't know if this due to the part shortages or not. the best time would be ASAP.
I don't think EPP changes all that much.
I think after Christmas will be best chance. Always the DEMAND makes price.
But I'm not sure, simply after Christmas, the demand will decrease. -
Last month was the time to buy IMO. I got mine for $1550 (see sig), this is with $100 tax.
Now if I configure with EPP its about 250-300 more than what I paid for. -
anyone think there will be a price drop come monday?
Thanks for your inputs.
The one month wait sounds pretty scary.
Thanks for the comprehensive info (in ur sig). I guess I just lucked out.
Do you think theres any chance of a price drop post christmas? -
Note: The refund isn't automatic, you have to call Lenovo of course. -
thanks a lot, that helps! -
if you are on a tight budget why don't you buy a R61? It is the same as the T61 but cost a little less. I have a T61 and I am waiting on a R61 and based on some friends that own the R61 the difference is minimal.
Best time to buy a Thinkpad: advice needed
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by grazd, Nov 22, 2007.